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Jittor: a novel deep learning framework with meta-operators and unified graph execution

Shi-Min Hu, Dun Liang, Guo-Ye Yang, Guo-Wei Yang, Wen-Yang Zhou

Science China Information Science,2020, Vol. 63, No. 12, 222103, doi: 10.1007/s11432-020-3097-4.

This paper introduces Jittor, a fully just-in-time (JIT) compiled deep learning framework. With JIT compilation, we can achieve higher performance while making systems highly customizable. Jittor provides classes of Numpy-like operators, which we call meta-operators. A deep learning model built upon these meta-operators is compiled into high-performance CPU or GPU code in real-time. To manage metaoperators, Jittor uses a highly optimized way of executing computation graphs, which we call unified graph execution. This approach is as easy to use as dynamic graph execution yet has the efficiency of static graph execution. It also provides other improvements, including operator fusion, cross iteration fusion, and unified memory.

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HSDF, Hybrid Sign and Distance Field for Modeling Surfaces with Arbitrary Topologies

Li Wang, Jie Yang, Weikai Chen, Xiaoxu Meng, Bo Yang, Jintao Li, Lin Gao

NeurIPS, 2022.

Neural implicit function based on signed distance field (SDF) has achieved impressive progress in reconstructing 3D models with high fidelity. However, such approaches can only represent closed shapes. Recent works based on unsigned distance function (UDF) are proposed to handle both watertight and open surfaces. Nonetheless, as UDF is signless, its direct output is limited to point cloud, which imposes an additional challenge on extracting high-quality meshes from discrete points.To address this issue, we present a new learnable implicit representation, coded HSDF, that connects the good ends of SDF and UDF. In particular, HSDF is able to represent arbitrary topologies containing both closed and open surfaces while being compatible with existing iso-surface extraction techniques for easy field-to-mesh conversion. In addition to predicting a UDF, we propose to learn an additional sign field via a simple classifier. Unlike traditional SDF, HSDF is able to locate the surface of interest before level surface extraction by generating surface points following NDF~\cite{chibane2020ndf}. We are then able to obtain open surfaces via an adaptive meshing approach that only instantiates regions containing surface into a polygon mesh. We also propose HSDF-Net, a dedicated learning framework that factorizes the learning of HSDF into two easier problems. Experiments on multiple datasets show that HSDF outperforms state-of-the-art techniques both qualitatively and quantitatively.

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Robust Pose Transfer with Dynamic Details using Neural Video Rendering

Yang-Tian Sun, Hao-Zhi Huang, Xuan Wang, Yu-Kun Lai, Wei Liu, Lin Gao

IEEE TPAMI, 2022, 1-8.

Pose transfer of human videos aims to generate a high-fidelity video of a target person imitating actions of a source person. A few studies have made great progress either through image translation with deep latent features or neural rendering with explicit 3D features. However, both of them rely on large amounts of training data to generate realistic results, and the performance degrades on more accessible Internet videos due to insufficient training frames. In this paper, we demonstrate that the dynamic details can be preserved even when trained from short monocular videos. Overall, we propose a neural video rendering framework coupled with an image-translation-based dynamic details generation network (D 2 G-Net), which fully utilizes both the stability of explicit 3D features and the capacity of learning components. To be specific, a novel hybrid texture representation is presented to encode both the static and pose-varying appearance characteristics, which is then mapped to the image space and rendered as a detail-rich frame in the neural rendering stage. Through extensive comparisons, we demonstrate that our neural human video renderer is capable of achieving both clearer dynamic details and more robust performance even on accessible short videos with only 2 k ∼ 4 k frames, as illustrated in Fig. 1.

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Autoregressive Stylized Motion Synthesis with Generative Flow

Yu-Hui Wen, Zhipeng Yang, Hongbo Fu, LinGao, Yanan Sun, and Yong-Jin Liu

CVPR 2021.

Transferring the motion style from one animation clip to another, while preserving the motion content of the latter, has been a long-standing problem in character animation. Most existing data-driven approaches are supervised and rely on paired data, where motions with the same content are performed in different styles. In addition, these approaches are limited to transfer of styles that were seen during training. In this paper, we present a novel data-driven framework for motion style transfer, which learns from an unpaired collection of motions with style labels, and enables transferring motion styles not observed during training. Furthermore, our framework is able to extract motion styles directly from videos, bypassing 3D reconstruction, and apply them to the 3D input motion. Our style transfer network encodes motions into two latent codes, for content and for style, each of which plays a different role in the decoding (synthesis) process. While the content code is decoded into the output motion by several temporal convolutional layers, the style code modifies deep features via temporally invariant adaptive instance normalization (AdaIN). Moreover, while the content code is encoded from 3D joint rotations, we learn a common embedding for style from either 3D or 2D joint positions, enabling style extraction from videos. Our results are comparable to the state-of-the-art, despite not requiring paired training data, and outperform other methods when transferring previously unseen styles. To our knowledge, we are the first to demonstrate style transfer directly from videos to 3D animations - an ability which enables one to extend the set of style examples far beyond motions captured by MoCap systems.

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SFace: sigmoid-constrained hypersphere lossfor robust face recognition

Yaoyao Zhong, Weihong Deng

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 30, 2587-2598, 2021.

Deep face recognition has achieved great success due to large-scale training databases and rapidly developing loss functions. The existing algorithms devote to realizing an ideal idea: minimizing the intra-class distance and maximizing the inter-class distance. However, they may neglect that there are also low quality training images which should not be optimized in this strict way. Considering the imperfection of training databases, we propose that intra-class and inter-class objectives can be optimized in a moderate way to mitigate overfitting problem, and further propose a novel loss function, named sigmoid-constrained hypersphere loss (SFace). Specifically, SFace imposes intra-class and inter-class constraints on a hypersphere manifold, which are controlled by two sigmoid gradient re-scale functions respectively. The sigmoid curves precisely re-scale the intra-class and inter-class gradients so that training samples can be optimized to some degree. Therefore, SFace can make a better balance between decreasing the intra-class distances for clean examples and preventing overfitting to the label noise, and contributes more robust deep face recognition models. Extensive experiments of models trained on CASIA-WebFace, VGGFace2, and MS-Celeb-1M databases, and evaluated on several face recognition benchmarks, such as LFW, MegaFace and IJB-C databases, have demonstrated the superiority of SFace.

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Hierarchical Layout-Aware GraphConvolutional Network for Unified Aesthetics Assessment

Dongyu She, Yu-Kun Lai, Gaoxiong Yi and Kun Xu

CVPR 2021.

Learning computational models of image aesthetics can have a substantial impact on visual art and graphic design. Although automatic image aesthetics assessment is a challenging topic by its subjective nature, psychological studies have confirmed a strong correlation between image layouts and perceived image quality. While previous state-of-the-art methods attempt to learn holistic information using deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), our approach is motivated by the fact that Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) architecture is conceivably more suited for modeling complex relations among image regions than vanilla convolutional layers. Specifically, we present a Hierarchical Layout-Aware Graph Convolutional Network (HLA-GCN) to capture layout information. It is a dedicated double-subnet neural network consisting of two LAGCN modules. The first LA-GCN module constructs an aesthetics-related graph in the coordinate space and performs reasoning over spatial nodes. The second LA-GCN module performs graph reasoning after aggregating significant regions in a latent space. The model output is a hierarchical representation with layout-aware features from both spatial and aggregated nodes for unified aesthetics assessment. Extensive evaluations show that our proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-art on the AVA and AADB datasets across three different tasks. The code is available at

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LayerCAM: Exploring Hierarchical Class Activation Maps for Localization

Peng-Tao Jiang, Chang-Bin Zhang, Qibin Hou, Ming-Ming Cheng, Yunchao Wei

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2021.

The class activation maps are generated from the final convolutional layer of CNN. They can highlight discriminative object regions for the class of interest. These discovered object regions have been widely used for weakly-supervised tasks. However, due to the small spatial resolution of the final convolutional layer, such class activation maps often locate coarse regions of the target objects, limiting the performance of weaklysupervised tasks that need pixel-accurate object locations. Thus, we aim to generate more fine-grained object localization information from the class activation maps to locate the target objects more accurately. In this paper, by rethinking the relationships between the feature maps and their corresponding gradients, we propose a simple yet effective method, called LayerCAM. It can produce reliable class activation maps for different layers of CNN. This property enables us to collect object localization information from coarse (rough spatial localization) to fine (precise fine-grained details) levels. We further integrate them into a high-quality class activation map, where the object-related pixels can be better highlighted. To evaluate the quality of the class activation maps produced by LayerCAM, we apply them to weakly-supervised object localization and semantic segmentation. Experiments demonstrate that the class activation maps generated by our method are more effective and reliable than those by the existing attention methods. The code will be made publicly available.

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Concealed Object Detection

Deng-Ping Fan, Ge-Peng Ji, Ming-Ming Cheng, Ling Shao


We present a comprehensive study on a new task named camouflaged object detection (COD), which aims to identify objects that are “seamlessly” embedded in their surroundings. The high intrinsic similarities between the target object and the background make COD far more challenging than the traditional object detection task. To address this issue, we elaborately collect a novel dataset, called COD10K, which comprises 10,000 images covering camouflaged objects in various natural scenes, over 78 object categories. All the images are densely annotated with category, bounding-box, object-/instance-level, and matting level labels. This dataset could serve as a catalyst for progressing many vision tasks, e.g., localization, segmentation, and alpha-matting, etc. In addition, we develop a simple but effective framework for COD, termed Search Identification Network (SINet). Without any bells and whistles, SINet outperforms various state-of-the-art object detection baselines on all datasets tested, making it a robust, general framework that can help facilitate future research in COD. Finally, we conduct a large-scale COD study, evaluating 13 cutting-edge models, providing some interesting findings, and showing several potential applications. Our research offers the community an opportunity to explore more in this new field. The code will be available at

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Deep Hough Transform for Semantic Line Detection

Kai Zhao, Qi Han, Chang-Bin Zhang, Jun Xu, Ming-Ming Cheng


In this paper, we put forward a simple yet effective method to detect meaningful straight lines, a.k.a. semantic lines, in given scenes. Prior methods take line detection as a special case of object detection, while neglect the inherent characteristics of lines, leading to less efficient and suboptimal results. We propose a one-shot end-to-end framework by incorporating the classical Hough transform into deeply learned representations. By parameterizing lines with slopes and biases, we perform Hough transform to translate deep representations to the parametric space and then directly detect lines in the parametric space. More concretely, we aggregate features along candidate lines on the feature map plane and then assign the aggregated features to corresponding locations in the parametric domain. Consequently, the problem of detecting semantic lines in the spatial domain is transformed to spotting individual points in the parametric domain, making the post-processing steps,i.e.non-maximal suppression, more efficient. Furthermore, our method makes it easy to extract contextual line features, that are critical to accurate line detection. Experimental results on a public dataset demonstrate the advantages of our method over state-of-the-arts.

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PRS-Net: Planar Reflective Symmetry Detection Net for 3D Models

Lin Gao, Ling-Xiao Zhang, Hsien-Yu Meng, Yi-Hui Ren, Yu-Kun Lai, Leif Kobbelt

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2020.

In geometry processing, symmetry is a universal type of high-level structural information of 3D models and benefits many geometry processing tasks including shape segmentation, alignment, matching, and completion. Thus it is an important problem to analyze various symmetry forms of 3D shapes. Planar reflective symmetry is the most fundamental one. Traditional methods based on spatial sampling can be time-consuming and may not be able to identify all the symmetry planes. In this paper, we present a novel learning framework to automatically discover global planar reflective symmetry of a 3D shape. Our framework trains an unsupervised 3D convolutional neural network to extract global model features and then outputs possible global symmetry parameters, where input shapes are represented using voxels. We introduce a dedicated symmetry distance loss along with a regularization loss to avoid generating duplicated symmetry planes. Our network can also identify generalized cylinders by predicting their rotation axes. We further provide a method to remove invalid and duplicated planes and axes. We demonstrate that our method is able to produce reliable and accurate results. Our neural network based method is hundreds of times faster than the state-of-the-art methods, which are based on sampling. Our method is also robust even with noisy or incomplete input surfaces.

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LinkNet: 2D-3D linked multi-modal network for online semantic segmentation of RGB-D videos

Jun-Xiong Cai, Tai-Jiang Mua, Yu-Kun Lai, Shi-Min Hu

Computers & Graphics, 2021.

This paper proposes LinkNet, a 2D-3D linked multi-modal network served for online semantic segmentation of RGB-D videos, which is essential for real-time applications such as robot navigation. Existing methods for RGB-D semantic segmentation usually work in the regular image domain, which allows efficient processing using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, RGB-D videos are captured from a 3D scene, and different frames can contain useful information of the same local region from different views. Working solely in the image domain fails to utilize such crucial information. Our novel approach is based on joint 2D and 3D analysis. The online process is realized simultaneously with 3D scene reconstruction, from which we set up 2D-3D links between continuous RGB-D frames and 3D point cloud. We combine image color and view-insensitive geometric features generated from the 3D point cloud for multi-modal semantic feature learning. Our LinkNet further uses a recurrent neural network (RNN) module to dynamically maintain the hidden semantic states during 3D fusion, and refines the voxel-based labeling results. The experimental results on SceneNet [1] and ScanNet [2] demonstrate that the semantic segmentation results of our framework are stable and effective.

DeepFaceEditing: Deep Face Generation and Editing with Disentangled Geometry and Appearance Control

Shu-Yu Chen, Feng-Lin Liu, Yu-Kun Lai, Paul L. Rosin, Chunpeng Li, Hongbo Fu, Lin Gao

ACM Transactions on Graphics, 40(4), 90: 1--90: 15, 2021. (SIGGRAPH 2021)

Recent facial image synthesis methods have been mainly based on conditional generative models. Sketch-based conditions can effectively describe the geometry of faces, including the contours of facial components, hair structures, as well as salient edges (e.g., wrinkles) on face surfaces but lack effective control of appearance, which is influenced by color, material, lighting condition, etc. To have more control of generated results, one possible approach is to apply existing disentangling works to disentangle face images into geometry and appearance representations. However, existing disentangling methods are not optimized for human face editing, and cannot achieve fine control of facial details such as wrinkles. To address this issue, we propose DeepFaceEditing, a structured disentanglement framework specifically designed for face images to support face generation and editing with disentangled control of geometry and appearance. We adopt a local-to-global approach to incorporate the face domain knowledge: local component images are decomposed into geometry and appearance representations, which are fused consistently using a global fusion module to improve generation quality. We exploit sketches to assist in extracting a better geometry representation, which also supports intuitive geometry editing via sketching. The resulting method can either extract the geometry and appearance representations from face images, or directly extract the geometry representation from face sketches. Such representations allow users to easily edit and synthesize face images, with decoupled control of their geometry and appearance. Both qualitative and quantitative evaluations show the superior detail and appearance control abilities of our method compared to state-of-the-art methods.

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DI-Fusion: Online Implicit 3D Reconstruction with Deep Priors.

Jiahui Huang, Shi-Sheng Huang, Haoxuan Song, Shi-Min Hu

IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021

Previous online 3D dense reconstruction methods struggle to achieve the balance between memory storage and surface quality, largely due to the usage of stagnant underlying geometry representation, such as TSDF (truncated signed distance functions) or surfels, without any knowledge of the scene priors. In this paper, we present DI-Fusion (Deep Implicit Fusion), based on a novel 3D representation, i.e. Probabilistic Local Implicit Voxels (PLIVoxs), for online 3D reconstruction with a commodity RGB-D camera. Our PLIVox encodes scene priors considering both the local geometry and uncertainty parameterized by a deep neural network. With such deep priors, we are able to perform online implicit 3D reconstruction achieving state-ofthe-art camera trajectory estimation accuracy and mapping quality, while achieving better storage efficiency compared with previous online 3D reconstruction approaches. Our implementation is available at

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Representative Batch Normalization with Feature Calibration

Shang-Hua Gao, Qi Han, Duo Li, Ming-Ming Cheng, Pai Peng

IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021 (Oral)

Batch Normalization (BatchNorm) has become the default component in modern neural networks to stabilize training. In BatchNorm, centering and scaling operations, along with mean and variance statistics, are utilized for feature standardization over the batch dimension. The batch dependency of BatchNorm enables stable training and better representation of the network, while inevitably ignores the representation differences among instances. We propose to add a simple yet effective feature calibration scheme into the centering and scaling operations of BatchNorm, enhancing the instance-specific representations with the negligible computational cost. The centering calibration strengthens informative features and reduces noisy features. The scaling calibration restricts the feature intensity to form a more stable feature distribution. Our proposed variant of BatchNorm, namely Representative BatchNorm, can be plugged into existing methods to boost the performance of various tasks such as classification, detection, and segmentation. The source code is available in

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Pct: Point cloud transformer

Meng-Hao Guo, Jun-Xiong Cai, Zheng-Ning Liu, Tai-Jiang Mu, Ralph R. Martin, Shi-Min Hu

Computational Visual Media, 2021, Vol. 7,

The irregular domain and lack ofordering make it challenging to design deep neural networks for point cloud processing. This paper presents a novel framework named Point Cloud Transformer(PCT) for point cloud learning. PCT is based on Transformer, which achieves huge success in natural language processing and displays great potential in image processing. It is inherently permutation invariant for processing a sequence of points, making it well-suited for point cloud learning. To better capture local context within the point cloud, we enhance input embedding with the support offarthest point sampling and nearest neighbor search. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the PCT achieves the state-of-the-art performance on shape classification, part segmentation and normal estimation tasks.

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DeepFaceDrawing: Deep Generation of Face Images from Sketches

Shu-Yu Chen, Wanchao Su, Lin Gao, Hongbo Fu

ACM Transactions on Graphics, 39(4), 72: 1-72: 16, 2020. (SIGGRAPH 2020)

Recent deep image-to-image translation techniques allow fast generation of face images from freehand sketches. However, existing solutions tend to overfit to sketches, thus requiring professional sketches or even edge maps as input. To address this issue, our key idea is to implicitly model the shape space of plausible face images and synthesize a face image in this space to approximate an input sketch. We take a local-to-global approach. We first learn feature embeddings of key face components, and push corresponding parts of input sketches towards underlying component manifolds defined by the feature vectors of face component samples. We also propose another deep neural network to learn the mapping from the embedded component features to realistic images with multi-channel feature maps as intermediate results to improve the information flow. Our method essentially uses input sketches as soft constraints and is thus able to produce high-quality face images even from rough and/or incomplete sketches. Our tool is easy to use even for non-artists, while still supporting fine-grained control of shape details. Both qualitative and quantitative evaluations show the superior generation ability of our system to existing and alternative solutions. The usability and expressiveness of our system are confirmed by a user study.

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Mesh-based Variational Autoencoders for Localized Deformation Component Analysis

Qingyang Tan, Ling-Xiao Zhang, Jie Yang, Yu-Kun Lai, and Lin Gao

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2021.

Spatially localized deformation components are very useful for shape analysis and synthesis in 3D geometry processing. Several methods have recently been developed, with an aim to extract intuitive and interpretable deformation components. However, these techniques suffer from fundamental limitations especially for meshes with noise or large-scale nonlinear deformations, and may not always be able to identify important deformation components. In this paper we propose a novel mesh-based variational autoencoder architecture that is able to cope with meshes with irregular connectivity and nonlinear deformations. To help localize deformations, we introduce sparse regularization along with spectral graph convolutional operations. Through modifying the regularization formulation and allowing dynamic change of sparsity ranges, we improve the visual quality and reconstruction ability. Our system also provides a nonlinear approach to reconstruction of meshes using the extracted basis, which is more effective than the current linear combination approach. We further develop a neural shape editing method, achieving shape editing and deformation component extraction in a unified framework and ensuring plausibility of the edited shapes. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both qualitative and quantitative evaluations. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for neural shape editing.
