Pacific Graphics 2002
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Interval B-Spline Curve Evaluation Bounding Point Cloud
H. Lin and G. Wang

Fast Soft Shadow Visualization for Deformable Moving Light Sources Using Adaptively Sampled Light Field Shadow Maps
E. Jeng and Z. Xiang

Interactive Construction of Multi-Segment Curved Handles
V. Srinivasan, E. Akleman, and J. Chen

Interactive Simulation of Fire
Z. Melek and J. Keyser

Adaptive Solid Texturing for Web3D Applications
B. Chen and T. Nishita

A Method of Human Short Hair Modeling and Real Time Animation
G. Yang and Z. Huang

On the Effects of Haptic Display in Brush and Ink Simulation for Chinese Painting and Calligraphy
J. Yeh, T. Lien, and O. Ming

Soft Shadow Maps for Area Light by Area Approximation
Z. Ying, M. Tang, and J. Dong

Progress in Collision Detection and Response Techniques for Cloth Animation
J. Mezger, S. Kimmerle, and O. Etzmu?

Normal Compression Based on Clustering and Relative Indexing
D. Kim, Y. Cho, and H. Kim

A Morphing with Geometric Continuity between Two Arbitrary Planar Polygons
Y. Liang, H. Bao, and W. Zhou

A Mesh Watermarking Approach for Appearance Attributes
L. Zhang, R. Tong, F. Su, and J. Dong

A Model Based Technique for Realistic Oriental Painting
Y. Yu, Y. Lee, D. Lee, and H. Cho

Cartoon Motion Capture by Shape Matching
H. Wang and H. Li

Selective Non-Unifrom Subdivision
K. Miura and H. Masuda

Texture Mapping with a Jacobian-Based Saptially-Variant Filter
K. Deng, J. Zhang, L. Wang, and B. Guo

Shape-Adaptive 3-D Mesh Simplification Based on Local Optimality Measurement
I. Park, S. Lee, and S. Lee

Physically Based Simulation of Cracks on Drying 3D Solid
K. Aoki, N. Dong, T. Kaneko, and S. Kuriyama

Interactive Physically-Based Cloud Simulation
D. Overby, Z. Melek, and J. Keyser

A Simple Approach to Interactive Free-Form Shape Deformations
S. Yoshizawa, A. Belyaev, and H. Seidel

Interactive Visualization of Non-Manifold Implicit Surfaces Using Pre-Integrated Volume Rendering
S. Yamazaki, K. Kase, and K. Ikeuchi

Subdivision Surface Simplification
W. Jeong, K. K?hler, and H. Seidel

Mesh Metamorphosis with Topology Transformations
M. Ahn and S. Lee

Single-Image Reflectance Estimation for Relighting by Iterative Soft Grouping
Y. Li, S. Lin, S. Kang, H. Lu, and H. Shum

Lworld: An Animation System Based on Rewriting
H. Noser

Interactive Transfer Function Modification for Volume Rendering Using Pre-Shaded Sample Runs
V. Srivastava, U. Chebrolu, and K. Mueller