If you use this program in your research work, please cite the following papers: [1] Yong-Jin Liu, Zhan-Qing Chen, Kai Tang. Construction of Iso-contours, Bisectors and Voronoi Diagrams on Triangulated Surfaces. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Vol. 33, No. 8, pp. 1502-1517, 2011. [2] Yong-Jin Liu, Qian-Yi Zhou, Shi-Min Hu. Handling degenerate cases in exact geodesic computation on triangle meshes. The Visual Computer, 23(9-11): 661-668, 2007. =============================================================== This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. It contains features including geodesic line and voronoi diagram. This program is coded using Qt + OpenGL in visual studio 2010. Qt runtime libaray is shipped with the program. You may need to install OpenGL and visual studio 2010 redistribution if your computer has not installed. --- References --- 1. Basic operation Rotate: left mouse button Scale: wheel or Ctrl + left mouse button Picking: pick vertex on the mesh with Shift key is pressed. Then click mouse right button, select "Set as exact geodesic source" or "Set as exact geodesic Destination" or "Set as Voronoi source", etc. 2. Geodesic related For geodesic line, you need to pick a vertex as source, then perform build distance field. After built distance field, you can pick as vertex as destination, then build geodesic line. For voronoi diagram, you need to pick several vertices as source(at least 2), then perform build voronoi diagram. Notes: All the operation releated with geodesic line and voronoi diagram are in geodesic menu and popup menu. The function of items in those two menu can be easily infered according to its name. This program only supports mesh with obj format. Please see the test data in the package. --- Other --- For any general question about the use of this program, bugs, feature requests and such, please contact liuyongjin@tsinghua.edu.cn or zhangjbzd@gmail.com. =============================================================== More references in computational geometry and graph theory: [3] Wen-Qi Zhang, Yong-Jin Liu. Approximating the Longest Paths in Grid Graphs. Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 412, No. 39, pp. 5340-5350, 2011. [4] Yong-Jin Liu, Wen-Qi Zhang, Kai Tang. Some notes on maximal arc intersection of spherical polygons: its NP-hardness and approximation algorithms. The Visual Computer, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 287-292, 2010. [5] Kai Tang, Yong-Jin Liu. A geometric method for determining intersection relations between a movable convex object and a set of planar polygons. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 636-650, 2004 [6] Kai Tang, Yong-Jin Liu. Maximal intersection of spherical polygons by an arc. Computer-Aided Design, Vo. 35, No. 14, pp. 1269-1285, 2003