If you use this code, please cite the following papers: [1] Yong-Jin Liu, Zhan-Qing Chen, Kai Tang. Construction of Iso-contours, Bisectors and Voronoi Diagrams on Triangulated Surfaces. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Vol. 33, No. 8, pp. 1502-1517, 2011. [2] Yong-Jin Liu, Qian-Yi Zhou, Shi-Min Hu. Handling degenerate cases in exact geodesic computation on triangle meshes. The Visual Computer, 23(9-11): 661-668, 2007. ---------------------------------------- This code is developed in Microsoft VC++.net platform, and is running in a console mode. Detailed usage of the source code package: ExactGeodesic.exe [filename] [source] [filename] is the path and file name of the test model, [source] is a non-negative integer representing the ID of the source vertex, 0-based. e.g. ExactGeodesic.exe maxplanck.obj 9999 or ExactGeodesic.exe 5000_bunny.obj 0 The result will be printed to a text file, listing the distances to all vertices from source vertex, and a single line in the end, showing the time cost in miliseconds. File name is in the following form: [filename].[source].dist where [filename] and [source] are the same as the ones in the command line in your input. ---------------------------------------- More references in computational geometry and graph theory: [3] Wen-Qi Zhang, Yong-Jin Liu. Approximating the Longest Paths in Grid Graphs. Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 412, No. 39, pp. 5340-5350, 2011. [4] Yong-Jin Liu, Wen-Qi Zhang, Kai Tang. Some notes on maximal arc intersection of spherical polygons: its NP-hardness and approximation algorithms. The Visual Computer, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 287-292, 2010. [5] Kai Tang, Yong-Jin Liu. A geometric method for determining intersection relations between a movable convex object and a set of planar polygons. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 636-650, 2004 [6] Kai Tang, Yong-Jin Liu. Maximal intersection of spherical polygons by an arc. Computer-Aided Design, Vo. 35, No. 14, pp. 1269-1285, 2003