If you use this code, please cite the following paper: ------------------------------------------- Cheng-Chi Yu, Yong-Jin Liu, Matt Tianfu Wu, Kai-Yun Li, Xiaolan Fu. A global energy optimization framework for 2.1D sketch extraction from monocular images. Graphical Models, Vol. 76, No. 5, pp. 507-521, 2014. ------------------------------------------- Follow these steps to run our algorithm on Windows systems: [ Tested on Windows 7 with matlab-R2010] a. We assume that you have matlab installed successfully. b. Open matlab and run demo.m to have an overview of our algorithm. Run main.m if you'd like to gain results on the whole 2.1D sketch dataset. c. If you run demo.m, you can see qualitative results and qualitative reslusts in ./demo/results/function_energy, ./demo/results/qualitative_results and ./demo/results/quantitative_results.xlsx. If you run main.m, you can see results in ./results/function_energy, ./results/qualitative_results and ./results/quantitative_results.xlsx. d. To add interactive operations, you can run interactive.m. Results are also in ./results/function_energy, ./results/qualitative_results and ./results/quantitative_results.xlsx.